$val ) if( !is_numeric($key) ){ if( ($Alta && $val!='') || (!$Alta && $val!=$Old[$key]) ){ if( $Log!='' ) $Log .= ','; $Log .= $key.'="'.str_replace( '"', '"', str_replace( "'", ''', $val )).'"'; } } if( $Log!='' ){ qQuery( "insert into gs_log ( cdi, operacion, cd_gs_user, tabla, clave, sqlexe ) values ( '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."', '".$xOp."', '".$xUser."', '".$xTabla."', '".$xClave."', '".$Log."' )" ); } if( $_DEBUG==4 ) eLogDebug($sql); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace("Log:[{$sql}]"); } function qGetArray( $sql ){ $Dim = array(); qQuery( $sql, $_p1 ); while( $r=qRow($_p1) ) $Dim[$r[0]] = $r; return $Dim; } function sql_Conecta(){ global $_DEBUG, $_HndDB, $_Sql, $_SqlHostName, $_SqlUsuario, $_SqlPassword, $_SqlDiccionario, $_SqlInit, $_SqlTransaction; if( $_HndDB != '' ) return; if( $_DEBUG==4 ) eLogDebug("[ SQL:{$_SqlDiccionario} ]"); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace( "[Sql: {$_Sql} | HostName: {$_SqlHostName} | Usuario: {$_SqlUsuario} | Password: {$_SqlPassword} | Diccionario: {$_SqlDiccionario}]" ); $_HndDB = mysql_connect( $_SqlHostName, $_SqlUsuario, $_SqlPassword ); if( !$_HndDB ){ eTrace('ERROR al conectar con DB'); eEnd(); } mysql_select_db( $_SqlDiccionario ); if( mysql_errno() ){ if( $_DEBUG==30 ) return -1; sql_Error(); } for( $n=0; $n 0 ){ $tmp = explode(' group by ', $Ordenacion ); $Ordenacion = ' group by '.$tmp[1]. ' order by '.$tmp[0]; }else{ $Ordenacion = 'order by '.$Ordenacion; } } if( !empty($Condicion) ) $Condicion = 'where '.$Condicion; if( !empty($_DBLIMIT) ) $Limit = 'limit '.$_DBLIMIT; $sql = "select {$Campos} from {$Tabla} {$Condicion} {$Ordenacion}"; if( $_DEBUG==4 ) eLogDebug($sql); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace( "[{$sql}]" ); if( func_num_args() < 5 ){ $_Result = mysql_query( $sql ); if( mysql_errno( $_Result ) ){ if( $_DEBUG==30 ) return -1; sql_Error( $sql ); } }else{ $Puntero = mysql_query( $sql ); if( mysql_errno( $Puntero ) ){ if( $_DEBUG==30 ) return -1; sql_Error( $sql ); } } $_SQL_ = $sql; } function sql_Inserta( $Tabla, $Campos, $Valores ){ global $_Result, $_TReg, $_IdInsert, $_DEBUG, $_HndDB, $_IdRegistro; $sql = "insert into {$Tabla} ({$Campos}) values ({$Valores})"; if( $_DEBUG==4 ) eLogDebug($sql); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace("[{$sql}]"); $_Result = mysql_query( $sql ); if( mysql_errno() ){ if( $_DEBUG==30 ) return -1; sql_Error( $sql ); } $_TReg = mysql_affected_rows( $_HndDB ); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace( "[Reg.Insertados: {$_TReg}]" ); array_push( $_IdInsert, array( trim($Tabla), mysql_insert_id() ) ); $_IdRegistro[trim($Tabla)] = mysql_insert_id(); return $_TReg; } function sql_Modifica( $Tabla, $Grabar, $Condicion ){ global $_Result, $_TReg, $_DEBUG, $_HndDB; if( !empty($Condicion) ) $Condicion = 'where '.$Condicion; $sql = "update {$Tabla} set {$Grabar} {$Condicion}"; if( $_DEBUG==4 ) eLogDebug($sql); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace("[$sql]"); $_Result = mysql_query( $sql ); if( mysql_errno() ){ if( $_DEBUG==30 ) return -1; sql_Error( $sql ); } $_TReg = mysql_affected_rows( $_HndDB ); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace( "[Reg.Modificados: {$_TReg}]" ); return $_TReg; } function sql_Borra( $Tabla, $Condicion ){ global $_Result, $_TReg, $_DEBUG, $_HndDB; if( !empty($Condicion) ) $Condicion = 'where '.$Condicion; $sql = "delete from {$Tabla} {$Condicion}"; if( $_DEBUG==4 ) eLogDebug($sql); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace("[$sql]"); $_Result = mysql_query( $sql ); if( mysql_errno() ){ if( $_DEBUG==30 ) return -1; sql_Error( $sql ); } $_TReg = mysql_affected_rows( $_HndDB ); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace( "[Reg.Borrados: {$_TReg}]" ); return $_TReg; } function sql_Libera( $puntero ){ if( func_num_args() == 0 ){ mysql_free_result( $GLOBALS['_Result'] ); }else{ mysql_free_result( $puntero ); } } function sql_Desconecta(){ global $_HndDB, $_DEBUG, $_SqlTransaction; if( $_DEBUG==4 ) eLogDebug("[Desconectado]"); if( $_SqlTransaction ) sql_TranOff(); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace("[Desconectado]"); mysql_close( $_HndDB ); $_HndDB = false; } $NumSqlError_ = false; function sql_Error( $sql='' ){ global $_User, $_Node, $NumSqlError_, $_DEBUG, $_Development, $_ErrReportTo, $_ErrReportToDev, $_ErrReportUserNode; global $_ErrReportMessage, $_ErrReportFrom, $_ErrReportCc, $_ErrReportBCc; if( $_DEBUG==-1 ) eTrace('ERROR:[ '.mysql_errno().' : '.mysql_error().' ]'); if( $_DEBUG==4 ) eLogDebug('ERROR:[ '.mysql_errno().' : '.mysql_error()." ]"); if( $GLOBALS['php_errormsg'] == 'Parse error' ) die($GLOBALS['php_errormsg']); $Cdi = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $TxtError = trim(mysql_errno()).' : '.trim(mysql_error()); $LogTxt = $Cdi."\n". ' Usuario: '.$_User."\n". ' Query..: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\n". ' SQL....: '.$sql."\n". ' Error..: '.$TxtError."\n"; $MasInfo = " REQUEST: ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']."\n"; $DimNomVar = array_keys($_POST); $DimValor = array_values($_POST); $MasInfo .= ' POST: '.count($_POST)."\n"; for( $n=0; $n',$LogTxt)), $Cabeceras ); }else if( $_ErrReportTo!='' ){ $Cabeceras = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $Cabeceras .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $Cabeceras .= "From: ".$_ErrReportFrom."\r\n"; if( $_ErrReportFrom!='' ) $Cabeceras .= "Reply-To: ".$_ErrReportFrom."\r\n"; if( $_ErrReportCc !='' ) $Cabeceras .= "Cc: ".$_ErrReportCc."\r\n"; if( $_ErrReportBCc !='' ) $Cabeceras .= "Bcc: ".$_ErrReportBCc."\r\n"; $Cabeceras .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $cd = zend_get_id(); if( is_array($cd) ) list($cd) = $cd; mail( $_ErrReportTo, $_ErrReportMessage.' '.$cd, stripslashes(str_replace("\n",'
',$LogTxt)), $Cabeceras ); } eInit(); echo ''; if( $_Development || $GLOBALS['_D_']!='' ){ eTrace('[SCRIPT]'); eTrace( $GLOBALS['OriFichero'] ); echo '
'; eTrace('[SQL]'); eTrace($sql); eTrace('[ERROR]'); eTrace( $SQLError ); echo '
'; eTrace('[_GET]' ); foreach( $_GET as $k=>$v ) eTrace( $k.' = '.$v ); echo '
'; eTrace('[_POST]'); foreach( $_POST as $k=>$v ) eTrace( $k.' = '.$v ); echo '
'; if( $GLOBALS['_D_']=='~' ){ echo '
'; debug_print_backtrace(); echo '

'; print_r(debug_backtrace()); echo '

'; } if( function_exists('KeyEditFile') ) KeyEditFile( $GLOBALS['OriFichero'] ); }else{ eTrace( '[ ERROR SQL ]' ); echo ''; } if( $NumSqlError_ ) eEnd(); $NumSqlError_ = true; if( substr_count( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'edes.gs?' ) == 1 ){ $tmp = explode('edes.gs?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = 'edes.gs?'.trim($tmp[1]); } $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = str_replace( "'", '"' , $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = str_replace( chr(92), '' , $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); $sql = trim(str_replace("'",'"',$sql)); $TxtError = trim(str_replace("'",'"',$TxtError)); $sqlError = 'insert into gs_error ( cdi ,cd_gs_user,tipo, desde, fichero , linea, texto, trace ) values '. "( '{$Cdi}', {$_User} , 'S', 'PHP','{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}', '' , '' , '{$TxtError}\n\n{$sql}' )"; mysql_query( $sqlError ); if( mysql_errno() ) eTrace('ERROR: gs_error'); eEnd(); } function sql_Result( $i ){ return mysql_result( $GLOBALS['_Result'], $i ); } function sql_Query( $sql, &$Puntero, $Continuar=false ){ global $_Result, $_TReg, $_DEBUG, $_HndDB, $_SQL_; $sql = trim($sql); if( $_DEBUG==4 ) eLogDebug($sql); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace("[{$sql}]"); $_TReg = -1; if( func_num_args() == 1 ){ $_Result = mysql_query( $sql ); if( mysql_errno() ){ if( !$Continuar ){ if( $_DEBUG==30 ) return -1; sql_Error( $sql ); } }else{ $_TReg = mysql_affected_rows( $_Result ); } }else{ $Puntero = mysql_query( $sql ); if( mysql_errno() ){ if( !$Continuar ){ if( $_DEBUG==30 ) return -1; sql_Error( $sql ); } }else{ $_TReg = mysql_affected_rows( $Puntero ); } } if( substr($sql,0,6)=='insert' ){ $tmp = str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace("\t",' ',str_replace("\n",' ',str_replace("\r",' ',$sql)))); $tmp = explode(' ',$tmp ); $Tabla = $tmp[2]; global $_IdInsert, $_IdRegistro; array_push( $_IdInsert, array( trim($Tabla), mysql_insert_id() ) ); $_IdRegistro[trim($Tabla)] = mysql_insert_id(); }else if( substr($sql,0,6)=='select' ) $_SQL_ = $sql; if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace( "[Reg.Query: {$_TReg}]" ); return $_TReg; } function sql_Cuenta( $Tabla, $Condicion, &$Puntero ){ global $_Result, $_TReg, $_DEBUG; if( trim($Condicion)!='' ){ $Condicion = 'where '.$Condicion; }else{ } $sql = "select count(*) from {$Tabla} {$Condicion}"; if( $_DEBUG==4 ) eLogDebug($sql); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace("[{$sql}]"); if( func_num_args() < 3 ){ $_Result = mysql_query( $sql ); if( mysql_errno() ){ if( $_DEBUG==30 ) return -1; sql_Error( $sql ); } $_TReg = mysql_result( $_Result, 0 ); }else{ $Puntero = mysql_query( $sql ); if( mysql_errno() ){ if( $_DEBUG==30 ) return -1; sql_Error( $sql ); } $_TReg = mysql_result( $Puntero, 0 ); } if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace( "[Total Reg: {$_TReg}]" ); return $_TReg; } function sql_Fila( $Puntero ){ if( func_num_args() == 0 ){ return mysql_fetch_row( $GLOBALS['_Result'] ); }else{ return mysql_fetch_row( $Puntero ); } } function sql_Array( $Puntero ){ if( func_num_args() == 0 ){ return mysql_fetch_array( $GLOBALS['_Result'] ); }else{ return mysql_fetch_array( $Puntero ); } } function sql_Id(){ return mysql_insert_id(); } function sql_Seek( $i ){ return mysql_data_seek( $GLOBALS['_Result'], $i); } function sql_NombreCampo( $i ){ return mysql_field_name( $GLOBALS['_Result'], $i ); } function sql_TipoCampo( $i ){ return mysql_field_type( $GLOBALS['_Result'], $i ); } function sql_LongitudCampo( $i ){ return mysql_field_len( $GLOBALS['_Result'], $i ); } function sql_FlagsCampo( $i ){ return mysql_field_flags( $GLOBALS['_Result'], $i ); } function sql_TotalCampos(){ return mysql_num_fields( $GLOBALS['_Result'] ); } function sql_Bloquea(){ } function sql_Desbloquea(){ } function sql_TranOn(){ global $_DEBUG, $_SqlTransaction; if( !$_SqlTransaction ) return; if( $_DEBUG==4 ) eLogDebug("START TRANSACTION"); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace('[START TRANSACTION]'); $_Result = mysql_query( 'START TRANSACTION' ); if( mysql_errno( $_Result ) ){ if( $_DEBUG==30 ) return -1; sql_Error('START TRANSACTION'); } } function sql_TranOff(){ global $_DEBUG, $_SqlTransaction; if( !$_SqlTransaction ) return; if( $_DEBUG==4 ) eLogDebug("COMMIT"); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace('[COMMIT]'); $_Result = mysql_query( 'COMMIT' ); if( mysql_errno( $_Result ) ){ if( $_DEBUG==30 ) return -1; sql_Error('COMMIT'); } } function sql_TranBack(){ global $_DEBUG; if( $_DEBUG==4 ) eLogDebug("ROLLBACK"); if( $_DEBUG==1 ) eTrace('[ROLLBACK]'); $_Result = mysql_query( 'ROLLBACK' ); if( mysql_errno( $_Result ) ){ if( $_DEBUG==30 ) return -1; sql_Error('ROLLBACK'); } } function sql_Log( $Log, $sOpe, $sTabla, $sSql ){ global $_DEBUG, $_HndDB, $_Result, $_TReg, $_User, $_DBSERIAL; $sClave = ''; for( $n=0; $n$v ) $$k = $v; unset($_SERIALIZE); $sql = $_SQL_; } } if( trim($sql)=='' ){ global $_SQL_; $sql = $_SQL_; } if( $Depurar ) eTrace( '|'.$sql.'|' ); $DimCampoCondi = array(); $DimCondicion = array(); $TxtOrdenacion = ''; $sql = trim($sql); if( strtoupper(substr($sql,0,6)) == 'WHERE ' ){ $sql = ' '.$sql; } $Cambio = array( ' from ', ' where ',' order by ', ' group by ',' like ', ' and ', ' or ', ' extend(', ' matches' ); for( $i=0; $i 0 ){ $sql = explode( ' FROM ', $sql ); $sql = $sql[1]; } if( $Depurar ) eTrace( 'FROM|'.$sql.'|' ); if( substr_count( $sql, ' WHERE ' ) > 0 ){ $sql = explode( ' WHERE ', $sql ); $sql = $sql[1]; } if( $Depurar ) eTrace( 'WHERE|'.$sql.'|' ); if( isset($PDF_TxtOrderBy) ){ $TxtOrdenacion = $PDF_TxtOrderBy; }else if( substr_count( $sql, ' ORDER BY ') > 0 ){ $sql = explode( ' ORDER BY ', $sql ); $TxtOrdenacion = $sql[1]; $sql = $sql[0]; if( substr_count( $TxtOrdenacion, ' GROUP BY ' ) > 0 ){ $TxtOrdenacion = explode( ' GROUP BY ', $TxtOrdenacion ); $TxtOrdenacion = $TxtOrdenacion[0]; } $tmp = explode( ',',$TxtOrdenacion ); $TxtOrdenacion = ''; for( $i=0; $i 0 ){ $campo = $DimCampos[$campo*1-1]; list( $campo, $atributo ) = explode( ' ',$campo ); $campo = trim($campo); } if( substr_count( $campo, '.' ) > 0 ) list(,$campo) = explode('.',$campo); $campo = trim($campo); if( $TxtOrdenacion != '' ) $TxtOrdenacion .= ', '; $puntero = null; if( sql_Cuenta( 'gs_campo', "tabla='{$_DBTABLE}' and campo='{$campo}'", $puntero ) > 0 ){ sql_Query( "select etiqueta, label_tab from gs_campo where tabla='{$_DBTABLE}' and campo='{$campo}'", $puntero ); $row = sql_Fila( $puntero ); if( trim($row[1])!='' ){ $TxtOrdenacion .= trim($row[1]); }else{ $TxtOrdenacion .= trim($row[0]); } }else{ $sEti=''; if( $_PDFLABELHIDDEN[$campo] != '' ) $sEti = $_PDFLABELHIDDEN[$campo]; if( $sEti == '' ){ for($c=0;$c',' ',$sEti); $sEti = str_replace('
',' ',$sEti); $sEti = str_replace('
',' ',$sEti); $sEti = str_replace('
',' ',$sEti); $TxtOrdenacion .= $sEti; } } } $TxtOrdenacion = trim($TxtOrdenacion); if( substr($TxtOrdenacion,-1)==',') $TxtOrdenacion = substr($TxtOrdenacion,0,-1); } if( $Depurar ) eTrace( 'WHERE (sin order by)|'.$sql.'|' ); if( substr_count( $sql, ' GROUP BY ' ) > 0 ){ $sql = explode( ' GROUP BY ', $sql ); $sql = $sql[0]; } if( $Depurar ) eTrace( 'GROUP BY|'.$sql.'|' ); while( substr_count( $sql, ' EXTEND(' ) > 0 ){ $ei = strpos( $sql, ' EXTEND(' ); $ci = $ei+8; $cf = strpos( $sql, ',', $ei+1 ); $ef = strpos( $sql, ')', $ei+1 ); $sql = substr( $sql, 0, $ei+1 ). substr( $sql, $ei+8, $cf-$ei-8 ). substr( $sql, $ef+1 ); } if( $Depurar ) eTrace( 'CALCULA CONDICIONES|'.$sql.'|' ); $tmp = explode( ' AND ', trim($sql) ); for($i=0; $i=! '.chr(9), $c ) > 0 ){ $sp = $p; break; }else{ $campo .= $c; } } $campo = trim($campo); if( substr_count( $campo, '.' ) > 0 ){ list(,$campo ) = explode('.',$campo); $campo = trim($campo); } if( substr_count($campo,' ')>0 ) list($campo) = explode(' ',$campo); if( $FuncSql!='' ){ list($campo) = explode(',',$campo); $campo = trim($campo); for( $p=$sp; $p0 ) $campo = trim(substr($campo,0,strpos($campo,'['))); if( $Depurar ) eTrace( $i.'.CAMPO |'.$campo.'| '.$FuncSql ); $tmp2 = strtoupper(trim(substr($dato,$sp))); if( substr($tmp2,0,7)=='NOT IN ' ){ $condi = '<>'; $sCondi = 'NOT IN'; $sp += 7; }else if( substr($tmp2,0,3)=='IN ' ){ $condi = '='; $sCondi = 'IN'; $sp += 3; }else if( substr($tmp2,0,5)=='LIKE ' ){ $condi = '='; $sCondi = 'LIKE'; $sp += 5; }else if( substr($tmp2,0,8)=='IS NULL ' ){ $condi = '='; $sCondi = 'IS NULL'; $sp += 8; }else if( substr($tmp2,0,12)=='IS NOT NULL ' ){ $condi = '='; $sCondi = 'IS NOT NULL'; $sp += 12; }else{ $Ini = false; for( $p=$sp; $p=!', $c ) > 0 ){ $condi .= $c; }else{ $sp = $p; break; } } if( $c == ' ' ) { for( $p=$sp; $p NewCampo |'.$tmp2); } } break; } } } if( $Depurar ){ eTrace($i.'.VALOR |'.$valor.'|'); eTrace($i.' ['.$campo.']['.$condi.']['.$valor.']
' ); } if( $valor!='' && $valor[0]!='"' && $valor[0]!="'" && !is_numeric($valor) ){ if( $Depurar ) eTrace($i.' ---> Condicion anulada
'); continue; } $puntero = null; $etiqueta = ''; if( $_PDFLABELHIDDEN[$campo] != '' ) $etiqueta = $_PDFLABELHIDDEN[$campo]; if( $etiqueta == '' ){ for($p=0;$p 0 ){ sql_Query( "select etiqueta, label_tab from gs_campo where tabla='{$_DBTABLE}' and campo='{$campo}'", $puntero ); $row = sql_Fila( $puntero ); if( trim($row[1])!='' ){ $etiqueta .= trim($row[1]); }else{ $etiqueta .= trim($row[0]); } } } if( $etiqueta == '' && substr($campo,0,3)=='cd_' ){ for($p=0;$p |'.$campo.'|'.$dato.'|' ); $etiqueta = str_replace(' ',' ',$etiqueta); $etiqueta = str_replace('&NBSP;',' ',$etiqueta); $etiqueta = str_replace('
',' ',$etiqueta); $etiqueta = str_replace('
',' ',$etiqueta); $etiqueta = str_replace('
',' ',$etiqueta); $etiqueta = str_replace('
',' ',$etiqueta); $etiqueta = trim($etiqueta); if( $etiqueta!='' ){ $valor = trim($valor); $ExisteTabla = false; if( substr($campo,0,3)=='cd_' ){ $sDEBUG = $_DEBUG; $_DEBUG = 30; if( substr($campo,0,3)=='cd_' ) $SeekTabla = substr($campo,3); if( sql_Query( 'show columns from '.$SeekTabla, $p ) != -1 ){ $row = sql_Fila($p); $ExisteTabla = ($row[0]!=''); } $_DEBUG = $sDEBUG; } if( substr($campo,0,3)=='cd_' && $ExisteTabla ){ $MasWhere = ''; for( $p=0; $p0 ){ $tmpCondi = explode(',',substr($_RELATIONFIELDS[$p],1,$pi-1)); for( $p2=0; $p2 0 ){ if( $DimCampoCondi[count($DimCampoCondi)-1][0] == $etiqueta ){ if( $condi=='=' ){ $DimCondicion[count($DimCondicion)-1] .= ' o '.$valor; }else{ $DimCondicion[count($DimCondicion)-1] .= ' y '.$condi.' '.$valor; } $Sumar = false; } } if( $Sumar ){ array_push( $DimCondicion, $etiqueta.' '.$condi.' '.$valor ); array_push( $DimCampoCondi, array($etiqueta,$campo) ); } } } global $_LISTCOMPARE; if( $_LISTCOMPARE[1]!='' ){ list( $oCmp, $dCmp ) = explode(',',$_LISTCOMPARE[1]); $oCmp = trim($oCmp); global $$oCmp, $$dCmp; if( $_gs_formato_!='P' ){ for( $p=0; $p') == 0 ) $tmp = '='.$tmp; } $DimCondicion[$p] = $etiqueta.' '.$tmp; array_push( $DimCondicion, $ss ); } } }else{ for( $p=0; $p') == 0 ) $tmp = '='.$tmp; } $etiqueta = strtoupper($_PDFLABELHIDDEN[$dCmp]); array_push( $DimCondicion, $etiqueta.' '.$tmp ); } } } } mysql_data_seek( $GLOBALS['_Result'], 0 ); $_TReg = $sTReg; if( $_ClearShowFilter ) $DimCondicion = array(); if( function_exists('eChangeListCondition') ) $DimCondicion = eChangeListCondition( $DimCondicion ); } function TransformaFecha( $tmp ){ for( $c=0; $c 0 ){ $sql = substr($sql,0,strpos(strtoupper($sql), ' FROM ') ); } $Expresion = false; $NomCampo = ''; for( $c=0; $c 0 ){ list( , $txt ) = explode(' as ',$DimCampo[$c]); $DimCampo[$c] = trim($txt); }else if( substr_count($DimCampo[$c],'(') > 0 ){ list( $comando, $txt ) = explode('(',$DimCampo[$c]); if( $comando != 'COUNT' ){ list( $txt ) = explode(',',$txt); $DimCampo[$c] = trim($txt); } } } return $DimCampo; } function _MicroSg(){ return date('H:i:').str_pad( sprintf( "%2.6f", (date('s')+substr(microtime(),0,8)) ), 9 ,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT ); } sql_Conecta(); ?>